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Ask Me Anything!

"Ask me anything--I know everything!"  That's what I tell my students, tongue in cheek, when we pause in a lecture to entertain questions.  The first time I have to respond to a question with those dreaded three words, "I don't know," I tell the student who asked the question to go to the business office and get a nickle back from his tuition costs.  I promise all the students that they will get a nickle of their tuition back everytime I have to say "I don't know."  I doubt anyone has ever put a claim in, but I have said "I don't know" enough times to have "scholarshiped" many a poor seminary student!

My point? Simply this: I know that I don't have all the answers.  To take a title like "The Bible Answer Guy" to oneself could be thought to be a pretty arrogant and pretentious act.  I don't mean it that way though. Instead, read it this way: "I know that there's an awful lot that I don't know; but I know that God knows what I don't know and  if it's important for me to know I know that He has made it possible for me to know by putting the answer for me in His Book--the Bible."

So ask me your question.  If I have not already discovered the answer, and if it is important for us to find the answer, then I will go looking for it in God's Word.  That's where this guy finds every answer.  That's why he is "The Bible Answer Guy!"

Who Am I?

My name is Jim Kinnebrew.  "Dr. K." to my students. Not a famous person for sure, but that's O.K.  John MacArthur, Chuck Swindoll, David Jeremiah, John Piper, and R.C. Sproul probably don't have time to take your question right now--so while you're waiting for them, take a look around here and maybe you will find the answer you are looking for.  If not, click on the link below and e-mail your question to me.  We will find the answer together!

Oh yeah, you want to know who I am (sorry, I forgot)!  I am a Southern Baptist pastor, a Theology professor, the Academic Vice President of a Christian college/seminary, father of three sons, husband of one wife, and sole provider for three dogs!  I have studied at six different colleges and graduate schools and have degrees from Liberty University (B.S.), Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div.) and Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary (Ph.D.).  It's true, though, the more you learn the more you know that you don't know so much.  This project is as good for me as it is for those who ask the questions, because it forces me to dig in to the Bible and do the kind of research I need to do to be what God wants me to be.  So thanks for being a part of my sanctification and spiritual growth.  I hope you get as much of a blessing as I do.

What Would You Ask God If You Could Ask God Anything?

Chances are God has already answered your question in His Book--The Bible.  Take a look around this site under the categories on the left and see if your question has been addressed.  If not, send your question to The Bible Answer Guy (see link to the left).  We will begin to track the answer down and will send it to you as soon as we have found God's answer in God's Book..

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